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Osvaldo "Queixinho" BJJ - Lapel sweep and lapeloplata to the back.
Osvaldo "Queixinho" BJJ - Half Guard with the lapel to lapeloplata sweep.
Lapel Guard Killer DVD by Osvaldo "Queixinho" Moizinho Preview
Osvaldo "Queixinho" BJJ - Lapel guard sweep to the leg drag
First BJJ-Lapel Oplata
BJJOriginal TV : Motivation Mix Osvaldo "Queixinho" Moizinho
Rafa Mendes showing worm guard / lapel sweep to back take
BJJ Video -Closed Guard Lapel Sweep to Taking the Back with Raphael Da Costa Vasconcellos
Technique of the Week - Lapel Guard Sweep to Back Take
Osvaldo "Queixinho" Moizinho vs Royi Neeman - IBJJF British National No-Gi 2016 - Black Adult
Professor Queixinho Teaches a Back Take from Closed Guard!!
The 50/50 Killer by Osvaldo "Queixinho" Moizinho Availble on DVD, On Demand and the app store